November 24, 2015

The best things about the holidays

So with the holidays coming up, I thought I would get you in the mood for the most wonderful time of the year! Here's a list of things to get excited about for the upcoming winter season. 

no school!
 giving gifts 
 receiving gifts
catching up on your favorite TV shows
Christmas music
warm breakfasts
ugly Christmas sweaters
all the FOOD!
crispy air
ice skating
snowball fights
family reunions
holiday movies
warm drinks
soup mmhm
sleeping in!
 movie nights
snowball fights

October 12, 2015

Keep your mani on longer!

The worst thing ever is having your nail polish chip and come off like 2 days after you apply it. Here are some tips to keep your polish on longer than usual. Lets get to the tips !

1) Allow enough time for layers to dry.

 Sometimes I get really impatient and barely wait for my base coat to dry completely dry. Once I actually wait, the polish ACTUALLY stays.

2)Remember to apply a base coat, AND , a top coat.

This may seem like it doesn't matter, but it does. Applying doesn't just prevent your polish from chipping, it also prevents the polish from staining the nail

3) Stay away from alcohol/ sanitizes.

The chemicals in the sanitizes, cause the polish to over dry, and chip faster.

4)  Quality matters!

Choose you're polish wisely. Make sure it's not too thick and sticky or too thin and watery like.

5) Prep you're nails carefully! 

This means, file, trim, and  moisturize before applying your manicure.

October 1, 2015

REVIEW: wet n' wild mega plump DOUBLE THREAT mascara

              The tube has two  sides. One for the upper lashes and one for the lower lashes.

          This is one coat of Mega- plump mascara. It's very easy to apply, and not clumpy.

  This is two coats of the Mega-plump mascara. Did get a little clumpy, but not too much.

Over all, I would give this mascara a 7/8 out of 10 ! 


July 23, 2015

20 Things to be happy about .

 There's a lot of little things to happy about. So if you're feeling down, just remember these things!
1. candles
2. cute animals
3. epic sunsets
4. delicious  food
5. vacations
7. hugs
8. friends
9. bonfires 
10. pj's 
11. beaches
12. vacations
13. cold shower on a hot day 
14. Listening to the rain 
15. making a new friend 
16. you're favorite T.V show 
17. good music 
18. clean water
19. fresh cookies
20. ocean waves 
So there you go! A list of things to be grateful/ happy about. 

May 27, 2015

Book Chat | An abundance of Katherine's by John Green |

Hey! You know , I would honestly not be surprised if you completely forgot about me but I'm sorry I've been gone for so long. Today I want to start a new series on this blog called  "Book chats ." Basically whenever I read and finish a book , I will be reviewing it, and talking (or writing in this case ) about the basic and necessary information you would probably would want to know about the book. Today I will be reviewing a book called - "An abundance of Katherines "by John Green.
This would be the second book that I have read by John Green and to be honest I didn't really love it as much as I loved Paper Towns .The book is about a guy named Colin who basically ONLY  dates Katherines with a "K" .
He  is a child prodigy and really just wants to matter in this world.  They just graduated . Katherine number 19 breaks his heart and he becomes super depressed . His friend Hassan suggested that they go on a road trip and basically during this road trip he tries to come up with an equation or theorem to predict his future relationships and see what how they will end . 
Through out the book he goes through each and every Katherine and talks about their relationship and how it ended. 
Out of 10, I would give this book 6 .

Why I didn't like it: 
- written in third person point of view . (I prefer 1st person point of view) 
-He kept talking about the same thing over and over and over.

Why I liked it: 

- relativley an easy read 
That is it for this book review.  I hope you guys enjoyed it and found it helpfu! If you guys want me to do to do more of these I would love to continue this series! 
xoxo, Anna ∆

March 25, 2015

Hair Care Routine!

   Hello! So today I want to share with you guys my hair care routine. I like to keep it really simple. 
The shortest I have ever cut my hair was in 5th grade and it  was a bob. the longest hair pieces were a little above my chin! I regretted it shortly and ever since, and never drastically cut it again. I get trims 2-3 times a year to get split ends off. My hair is naturally straight. I'v also never dyed it ! It naturally lightens in the summer. 

    This is the shampoo and conditioner that I'v been using recently. I don't really stick to only one shampoo/ conditioner. I just switch it around once I'm done with the bottle. Apparently this one will ignite your inner shine hehe.

My hair gets tangled really easily,and its the worst after I wash it! So I have been using this leave-In Detangler, and I love it. It truly does de-tangle my hair! I find that it works best if I put this on while my hair is still damp.

I rarely ever curl my hair, but the ends of my hair still get pretty dry. So to help, I use this Argan oil. It's a leave-in conditioner that strengthens and makes your hair shine!

This is a product that I barely use but its the Garnier Fructis Style anti- humid hairspray. Its not super strong and sticky which is perfect for me!(plus it contains natural bamboo extract!)

   I was really really really really really really really really really really tempted to spray the camera!
If you have any other requests then leave them down below! 
                                                                                                    xo, Anna

March 23, 2015

~Being Grateful ~

I feel like often we are so busy doing things, thinking about what we want and  should have,  that we forget to be thankful for what we have right now. 
I have been thinking about this so much lately, I can't help but wonder- 
What does it truely mean to be grateful?  
As a little child I was always told to be thankful for everything that I have, but I always let it just slip by.  But only recently I actually started to look for the good in every situation and instead of wishing for a whole bunch of things I  don't have,  be thankful for all the things I DO have. Sometimes I  find myself taking big things for granted like warm water,  a bed, heating,  family ect...
There are people that have it  so much worse than you and I. People have no food,  or shelter,  or electricity,  and yet  I get frustrated when the WiFi is slow or my phone battery is dead. So what exactly is my point? When times get rough,  or you really want something you can't have,  just think about how fortunate you are to be alive and well. 

March 15, 2015

Spring Break Bucket list

Hey! So with spring break coming up, here is a list of things you could do over the break!
1) plant flowers
2) go shopping 
3) Do a DIY 
4) make sandwiches 
5) have a lunch date with your friends 
6) re-arrange your bedroom
7) Go to the beach
8) take a bubble bath
9) eat watermelon 
10) go swimming
11) watch the sunset
12) go on a road trip
13) spring clean
14) make home-made pizza
15) go for a run
16) binge watch your favorite show
17) take a million pictures
18) have fun
19) relax
20) and most importantly, SLEEP IN!

March 1, 2015

Happy March! A day in my life.

Hey ! Happy March! today I'm just going to document a day in my life. Today was my little sisters 6th birthday and we decided to go out and do something fun! 

Good morning! I woke up pretty early today and so I decided to do some Bible reading/ studying !

    I love to exercise in the morning! So I decided to do some cardio and pilates. I love it so much!

   This is my sister and I. I can't believe she's already six ! Seems like yesterday she was born haha.

      For breakfast, I had an egg, pickles, and peppers. (hate peppers so I didn't eat them haha)

   We decided to go to a roller-blading rink and it looks easy,but it's not! But there was fun music and     a disco ball that made the whole place look so cool!

                           Here's a random picture of ice in a cup, and my dads hands haha.

   We ended of the day with a little celebration and ate some cake. This is red velvet cake (which is        my favorite kind!) Good night !

February 15, 2015


I feel like in this episode, you really get to realize how much the girls are hiding from each other. 
Aria is super freaked out about Mike, Hanna is super stressed about college, Spencer gets mixed signals from Johny, and Emily finds out about Talia's marriage. Honestly, I felt really bad for Hannah when her dad turned her down for paying for college. I guess for the longest time, Hannah has had a "dumb" persona and nobody thought she would actually want to apply to a good college. As for Aria, damn, she is like paranoid by Ali ! I mean it's getting kind of annoying how they actually think that Ali is -A. Obviously, somebody is working for her, which brings me to Mike. He has been so shady lately ! How come all of the sudden he's so sketchy and creepy? He as always been "Aria's moody little brother", and all of the sudden he is stealing blood samples and meeting with Cyrus?? I'ts so weird. Lets talk about Spencer and Johny, I seriously ship them so much! I don't get why people hate him so much Now don't get me wrong, I really like Spoby, but I feel like Johny really brings out the better qualities in Spencer. And I really do think that Toby and Spencer should take a break or break up. Ever since Toby got the job as a cop, their relationship has been super shaky ! Now, there are things he just can not know about because he's a cop. Lastly, lets talk about Emily. Out of all the girls, she is the one that has the the most amount of relationships! I think its because she has been in the closet for so long that now she is going crazy dating everyone. Don't you think it a bit weird how Paige left like right after Mona's death? Seem's a bit sketchy to me. It makes me think that she is the one that killed Mona. It makes sence anyway because she never liked her anyway. 
So what did you think of this previous episode? 

February 10, 2015

Style inspiration :Grunge

Hi lovelies !  So lately, I have been super inspired by the whole "grunge look" .  The style itself, is inspired by the 90's . The reason I love it so much is because it's so simple, yet so different, and sophisticated. I guess people often mistake this style with the Gothic look, and I can see why. Gothic  outfits have lots of black in them, if not all.  The grunge has a  more street style casual look that is incomplete without some black in it.  I noticed how most grunge outfits have leather, plaid shits, jeans, boots, and sheer tights. The combination of those, gives a perfect laid back, but still stylish look. 

February 6, 2015

|Top 5 makeup products|

Hello(: So I want to share with some of my top 5 makeup products. I like to keep it minimal, and don't like heavy "full on" makeup. All of these are drugstore products, and pretty innexpensive . Lets get started!

Okay so this is Maybelline 'the Rocket Volume express" mascara. This mascara is my favorite because it makes my eyes just POP! It's build-able, and with every coat, my eyelashes just get longer and longer.  Definently a must-have product!

Another one of my Maybeline favorites is this clear mascara. Whenever my brows just need help , I immedietly go straight to this mascara. I like to think of it as a hair spray for my brows. It sets them in place for the whole day so they dont go crazy. What I like about this clear mascara is that it's not sticky and annoying to deal with. 

What a surprise! As you can see, IM OBSESSED WITH MAYBELINE. Okay so this is the "Fit me" concealer. This concealer is great if you want some coverage, but not to much. Its very creamy, and I prefer to use my fingers to blend it. Totally a must- have!

Ahh, the lipstick. So apperently this is a Maybeline product too (Shocker, I know). 
This lipstick is like a nude  color with a tint of brown-ishness in it . Perfect if I'm going bold on the eyes. Lets me add this. It doesn't wear off! I can wear this lipstick for hours without re-applying it multiple times.

What?? It's not a Maybeline product! Actually, this eyeshadow is from Landcome. I'm not really an eyeshadow lover, but this one is defenently something I always reach for! Usually I wear the white color in the inner corners of my eyes to brighten up! 
Thats it! My top 5 makeup products. What are your favorites? Let me now in the comments!

January 28, 2015

What causes side stitches?

Side stitches. Yeah, that horrible pain in your side you get when running or doing some kind of excerisize. It hurts, and really effects your performance. So what causes them? 

What is a side stitch?
-a muscle in your body that gets crammed . It is caused by pressure from your diaphragm bouncing up and down as you move . 

What causes them? 
•dehydration - you might not be drinking enough water. If you're dehydrated, you muscules are most likely to get cramped. 
•improper posture- often when we are excersizing , we tend to slump, and crouch. Avoid that by checking your posture every few minutes to make sure it's correct.
•improper breathing- When you're not breathing properly, you're not getting enough oxygen into your body, which causes side stitches.

I hope this helped! 

January 23, 2015

|Some Cara inspiration|

Sometimes we just need some Cara Inspiration ya feel? When it come to makeup and brows, I always take her's as an inspiration. I love how she always keeps her makeup on the natural side and at times, she rocks a dark lip. What I have noticed is that she eithier focuses on her eyes and lets the lips go nude, OR she will go super natural on the natural on the eyes and POP out the lips.

Don't even get me started on the brows. Cara is basically known for her majestic eyebrows haha. Wasn't she the one who started the whole ''big and bold'' eyebrow trend?  One day their normal, the next they look crazy! And she looks awesome both ways.  You know, I never really liked the whole "pale eyebrow" trend. In my opinion, it really makes it look like the persons eyes just disappeared! It's amazing how the brows can shape your face!