May 27, 2015

Book Chat | An abundance of Katherine's by John Green |

Hey! You know , I would honestly not be surprised if you completely forgot about me but I'm sorry I've been gone for so long. Today I want to start a new series on this blog called  "Book chats ." Basically whenever I read and finish a book , I will be reviewing it, and talking (or writing in this case ) about the basic and necessary information you would probably would want to know about the book. Today I will be reviewing a book called - "An abundance of Katherines "by John Green.
This would be the second book that I have read by John Green and to be honest I didn't really love it as much as I loved Paper Towns .The book is about a guy named Colin who basically ONLY  dates Katherines with a "K" .
He  is a child prodigy and really just wants to matter in this world.  They just graduated . Katherine number 19 breaks his heart and he becomes super depressed . His friend Hassan suggested that they go on a road trip and basically during this road trip he tries to come up with an equation or theorem to predict his future relationships and see what how they will end . 
Through out the book he goes through each and every Katherine and talks about their relationship and how it ended. 
Out of 10, I would give this book 6 .

Why I didn't like it: 
- written in third person point of view . (I prefer 1st person point of view) 
-He kept talking about the same thing over and over and over.

Why I liked it: 

- relativley an easy read 
That is it for this book review.  I hope you guys enjoyed it and found it helpfu! If you guys want me to do to do more of these I would love to continue this series! 
xoxo, Anna ∆

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