December 28, 2014

Shopping on a budget : My advice + tips

So the holiday season is basically over now and a lot of us are like,broke! Here are some tips that i have accumulated over the years help me shop on a tight budget.
So I have this list. I call It my "Budget shopping rules" list. I know it may sound a little weird , but these rules actually work! Basically, I take a look at this list before I purchase ANY clothing item. Take a look!

Budget shopping rules:
- LOOK at the price.
- WHERE will I wear this?
- HOW will i where this?
- Do  I already have something like this?
- Do I really need this?

Lets talk more in depth about the list. Looking at the price, for me, is the most awful part about shopping because nowadays, everything is super expensive, and sometimes over priced. So before you even decide if you like something or not, check the price. If you know its more than you can allow yourself to spend, it's OK. You'll find something better!
A big mistake I used to make is, I would buy something, but then it would sit in my closet for months at a time without being worn. When you're trying on the clothes, really think about WHERE you will wear the item. (ex: school, church, home, party , ect..)
Along with deciding where you will wear the item, think about HOW you are going to where it. Sometimes, I will get a shirt or something, and I like it, but soon I realize that I don't have anything that would look good with that shirt. And it sucks ! So think about HOW you are going to wear that clothing item.
It's nice to have a variety of clothes to choose from so before purchasing something, ask yourself if you already have something like this. That because, If you buy a cardigan, and you already have like 15 other cardigans just like that, you wont have much variety in you closet.
 And finally, ask yourself if you REALLY , ACTUALLY need that clothing item.In my opinion this question is the most important. It really decreases the amount of unworn, unneeded clothes in your wardrobe. It also saves you a lot of money when shopping. If you're just buying the item because it cute, or inexpensive, and you dont actually need it, it's unnecessary!

So that's pretty much it! This list helps me so much, and I hope it will help you too! Good luck shopping! (;

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