January 28, 2015

What causes side stitches?

Side stitches. Yeah, that horrible pain in your side you get when running or doing some kind of excerisize. It hurts, and really effects your performance. So what causes them? 

What is a side stitch?
-a muscle in your body that gets crammed . It is caused by pressure from your diaphragm bouncing up and down as you move . 

What causes them? 
•dehydration - you might not be drinking enough water. If you're dehydrated, you muscules are most likely to get cramped. 
•improper posture- often when we are excersizing , we tend to slump, and crouch. Avoid that by checking your posture every few minutes to make sure it's correct.
•improper breathing- When you're not breathing properly, you're not getting enough oxygen into your body, which causes side stitches.

I hope this helped! 

January 23, 2015

|Some Cara inspiration|

Sometimes we just need some Cara Inspiration ya feel? When it come to makeup and brows, I always take her's as an inspiration. I love how she always keeps her makeup on the natural side and at times, she rocks a dark lip. What I have noticed is that she eithier focuses on her eyes and lets the lips go nude, OR she will go super natural on the natural on the eyes and POP out the lips.

Don't even get me started on the brows. Cara is basically known for her majestic eyebrows haha. Wasn't she the one who started the whole ''big and bold'' eyebrow trend?  One day their normal, the next they look crazy! And she looks awesome both ways.  You know, I never really liked the whole "pale eyebrow" trend. In my opinion, it really makes it look like the persons eyes just disappeared! It's amazing how the brows can shape your face! 

January 11, 2015

-Common mistakes in setting goals-

 Anybody can set a goal, but whether we can reach it, is a whole nothing thing. When we set a goal, and don't reach it, we often feel discouraged. So what can you do to avoid that situation? Lets take a look at the common mistakes people make when setting goals for themselves.

Mistake 1) They are too BIG. - This is similar to UNREALISTIC goals. When setting a goal, you really need to think about whether you can ACTUALLY  reach it . Think about the time frame. Is it enough? Or even realistic?

Mistake 2) Too many. Often people will make like 10 goals, but in the end they only reach a few, and then feel like failure. When setting goals, don't make an entire list, just have a couple. Make sure they are something you really, truly, want. Finally, DO EVERY THING YOU CAN TO REACH THAT GOAL.

Mistake 3) Not specific. People often make the mistake of setting goals that are too broad. For example: eat less chips. That is too broad. Narrow it down to exactly what types of chips you want to eat less of.

Mistake 4) Not written down. Studies show that people who write their goals down are more likely to achieve them, than people who don't. When you write them down, and place them in different locations, you'r always being reminded of them.

January 10, 2015

Review: The Wet Brush

Hi everyone ! Today I want to talk about The Wet brush. All opinions are my own, and this is not sponsored review. Before I got this brush, I have heard lots of amazing things about it. Being somebody who has unbearably  tangle prone hair, I NEEDED this in my life! So I got it.  I saw a result in how quickly my hair got untangled WITHIN the first time I used it! It's AMAZING! If I used a regular brush, It would take me about ten minutes to untangle my hair. When I use this brush, it takes me about 5 ! Pretty cool huh? 
          You don't have to use this brush ONLY when your hair is wet, it works
 PERFECTLY on dry hair.
 I would definitely recommend this to anybody who's hair gets tangled super easily.
I love also love this brush because it's a lot less painful to brush out knots and tangles. The Wet Brush doesn't TUG and PULL on your hair, like other brushes. It's so much more gentle and doesn't rip the hair out of your head haha. I know I wont be going back to a regular brush any time soon.  

January 3, 2015

When is the best time to drink water?

So when exactly is the best time to drink water?
 Here are the 5 best times to drink water during the day.

 1) Drink water when you first wake up. It helps activate
          the internal organs Drinking water in the morning also 
helps flush down all the toxins in you body.

    2)You should also drink water before meals . Drink water about
                  30 minutes before you eat its will help you feel fuller, 
and prepare you'r stomach for food.

3) This one is pretty obvious but it's super important!
Drink water BEFORE and AFTER you workout. 
This prevents dehydration and dizziness.

                                4) The best way to shake off the tiered feeling is to
                                     drink water. It wakes up you body, and keeps it alert!

Finally, drink water right before bed. Why?
Having a glass of water before bed helps replenish the 
fluids it lost during the day.