June 24, 2016

Amazing Uses for Coconut Oil!

      Coconut Oil is a magic potion. Besides cooking it has many other uses. Lets llok at all the other amazing ways you can use coconut oil. 

January 8, 2016

PROS and CONS of long hair.

             If you came from my YouTube channel, Hi! Hope you enjoy my blog.(:
When I cut my hair really, really short back in 5th grade, I promised myself to NEVER cut it again. So I was determined to grow it out long and healthy. Four years later,I succeeded, but I ended up hating it so much I cut it again! Honestly I dreaded anything that had to do with taking care of it. And by that I mean brushing, washing, trimming, styling, etc. It literally took me a whole year to finally cut it! The weird thing is, I don't regret it at all! In fact I LOVE my short hair!

I decided to come up with a list of PROS and CONS of long hair to hopefully help you decide whether you'd like to chop your locks off, or grow them out! If you cut it, and then regret it, just remember that its just hair, and it will grow out!


You get to have fun with complicated hairstyles

Long hair will keep you warm

You lots of "ooo and ahhhs" because of how long it is.

It makes you look younger (sign of youth)

Easier to put up and out of your face


So much maintenance!

Uses lots of product

Lots of hair to de-tangle/ brush

It gets in the way of everyday things

Drying takes F.O.R.E.V.E.R.

November 24, 2015

The best things about the holidays

So with the holidays coming up, I thought I would get you in the mood for the most wonderful time of the year! Here's a list of things to get excited about for the upcoming winter season. 

no school!
 giving gifts 
 receiving gifts
catching up on your favorite TV shows
Christmas music
warm breakfasts
ugly Christmas sweaters
all the FOOD!
crispy air
ice skating
snowball fights
family reunions
holiday movies
warm drinks
soup mmhm
sleeping in!
 movie nights
snowball fights

October 12, 2015

Keep your mani on longer!

The worst thing ever is having your nail polish chip and come off like 2 days after you apply it. Here are some tips to keep your polish on longer than usual. Lets get to the tips !

1) Allow enough time for layers to dry.

 Sometimes I get really impatient and barely wait for my base coat to dry completely dry. Once I actually wait, the polish ACTUALLY stays.

2)Remember to apply a base coat, AND , a top coat.

This may seem like it doesn't matter, but it does. Applying doesn't just prevent your polish from chipping, it also prevents the polish from staining the nail

3) Stay away from alcohol/ sanitizes.

The chemicals in the sanitizes, cause the polish to over dry, and chip faster.

4)  Quality matters!

Choose you're polish wisely. Make sure it's not too thick and sticky or too thin and watery like.

5) Prep you're nails carefully! 

This means, file, trim, and  moisturize before applying your manicure.

October 1, 2015

REVIEW: wet n' wild mega plump DOUBLE THREAT mascara

              The tube has two  sides. One for the upper lashes and one for the lower lashes.

          This is one coat of Mega- plump mascara. It's very easy to apply, and not clumpy.

  This is two coats of the Mega-plump mascara. Did get a little clumpy, but not too much.

Over all, I would give this mascara a 7/8 out of 10 ! 


July 23, 2015

20 Things to be happy about .

 There's a lot of little things to happy about. So if you're feeling down, just remember these things!
1. candles
2. cute animals
3. epic sunsets
4. delicious  food
5. vacations
7. hugs
8. friends
9. bonfires 
10. pj's 
11. beaches
12. vacations
13. cold shower on a hot day 
14. Listening to the rain 
15. making a new friend 
16. you're favorite T.V show 
17. good music 
18. clean water
19. fresh cookies
20. ocean waves 
So there you go! A list of things to be grateful/ happy about.